The Truth About CI-128
The Latest On CI-128
Dear Lovers of Life,
In just a few short weeks, Montanans will vote on CI-128, the initiative which will decide whether or not we eliminate parental notification for minors seeking an abortion and expand our already liberal abortion laws to include painful third trimester abortions up until the moment of birth.
With regards to churches, the two Catholic Diocese of Montana have done an amazing job of getting the message out to their parishioners outlining the dangers of CI-128, and two Montana pastors recently wrote a letter to fellow pastors asking them to sign a declaration opposing CI-128. That letter can be found here. Please take the letter to your pastor, and ask him to not only sign the declaration but educate his congregation about this initiative because if the church stays home on election day, we will not have a chance to defeat CI-128. It’s my understanding there will also be an effort to release this letter alongside the names of those signers to Montana Newspapers statewide in order to reach as many members of Christ’s Church as possible.
The time to educate our community about the devastating effects of this initiative is NOW. This quite literally could be the last opportunity Montanans have to stand for life. Every Sunday you sit alongside Christians who may very well vote for this initiative, so it is up to us to make sure votes are not cast by those who were not properly informed about the many repercussions of this initiative. To help you provide those Christians with Biblical reasons to support life, Prolife Montana is bringing Samuel Green with Reason for Life to Helena on Oct 15. He provides an excellent training on how to present Biblical reasons for life to ambivalent or even pro-choice Christians in your life. You can find more information on this training here.
I hope you sense the urgent need to help defeat this evil threatening our state. If you would like more information on how you can become involved, please email us at
The Truth About Constitutional Initiative 128 (Ballot Issue #14)

Did You Know Out Of State Money Is Supporting CI-128?
“Let it not be said that I was silent when they needed me.”
-William Wilberforce
What The Catholic Church Says About
A letter from the Bishops of Montana regarding the outcome of CI-128.

What Other Pastors Are Saying About CI-128

Apple Podcast
Helpful Resources
Tune in for Derek and Patrick’s discussion regarding the Constitutional Initiative proposed by Planned Parenthood. For more information please visit

Vote No CI-128
These t-shirts have been created to help you send the message to oppose CI-128. They can be ordered from Outlaw Marketing,
406-461-0042, and thanks to a generous donor they are free to you.

Printable Documents
Printable CI-128 ADs
Please feel free to print out these ads.